SEO optimization, site promotion
We bring to your attention useful information on the promotion of sites on the Internet, SEO optimization and promotion of various web projects. There are two options for reading this article:
Read completely. It will be useful for those who plan to independently engage in the promotion of their site.
Read only Part 2. In this case, you will save your time and effort, and the effectiveness will be higher.
How to read is up to you.
Part 1: “How to promote a site on the Internet?”
So, it happened – you opened your own website on the Internet and are ready for hundreds of people to talk about your site and how well done you are that you have created such a wonderful web project. But it was not there. Days, weeks go by, and on your site the counter (if any) still shows only zeros. What to do? Refer to the secrets of the promotion of sites.
There are a huge number of companies offering paid services for the promotion of sites. We have no doubt that they really promote sites and bring them to the first places in the search. I will say more – I myself have been optimizing and promoting sites for quite a long time. Therefore, I think it won’t hurt me if I share with you some secrets for the effective promotion of sites in the search. A few important points.
What is site promotion?
The term “promotion” means a set of measures aimed at optimizing the site and promoting it in the search ranking. In other words, the task of a “promoter” is to make your site “delicious” for the main search engines (Google, Yandex,, Rambler, etc.). Accordingly, the higher your project is in the search, the more likely it is that Your site will be found and visited.
Where do we start?
Usually website promotion begins with the question – how to speed up the indexing of the site by search engines? (Indexing – entering your site into the registry by search engines). There are several basic rules for speeding up the indexing process, some of which you should think about BEFORE CREATING a site:
1) Site address.
It is desirable that the address of your site contains the keywords for which you would like the site to be searched in search engines. For example, if your site is about incandescent light bulbs, don’t call it, even if your company is located in Moscow. Much more understandable for both users and search engines will be a name like or
Do not stretch the site address like or something like that. The shorter the site address, the easier it will be for the user to type it in the address bar if necessary.
2) Domain.
A domain is a name that a website responds to on the Internet. Allocate domains and subdomains. For example, in, the domain will be “”, and the subdomain will be “skachat”. The site is located in the domain zone .ru
Suppose you decide to make a site called “want-money” and do not know which domain to place it on: .com or For search engines, the first-level domain .com is considered preferable, but is also not bad, since it immediately determines the geographical affiliation of the site – therefore, in the search for Ukraine, it will rise by several positions. We do not recommend leaving the standard UCOZ address:,, – search engines immediately determine free hosting and may be skeptical about indexing such a site. In addition, links to such a site are blocked by many social services, for example, “VKontakte”, “Facebook”, etc.
Some search engines, such as Yandex, do not like .org and .info domains – you also need to be very careful with this.
3) Where will the server be?
When ordering hosting (a service of hosting a site on the Internet), pay attention to where the servers of the hosting provider are located. If you plan to focus on users from Ukraine, it is better that the server on which your project will be hosted is also located in Ukraine (for example, enter hosting ukraine in the search engine). You can argue about this for a long time, but practice shows that the location of the server does affect the indexing of the site.
4) The uniqueness of the content.
The site should be based on the idea of its uniqueness. That is, the more unusual the theme of the site, the fewer sites similar to it on the Internet, the more likely it is that search engines will “love” it.
5) When planning your site, remember that the site should be updated regularly. The degree of appearance of a search robot on your site, and, accordingly, the speed of indexing site pages directly depend on how often you update your site.
6) Avoid copying.
Try not to copy material from other sites, and if you do copy, then process the texts. That is, to retell what you have read. Search engines will have no reason to include your site in their index if they see duplicate information published earlier on other sites. Moreover, if the information you copied is of value, the owner of the resource from which you “stole” the information may complain to a certain copyright protection service. And then the worst thing can happen – your site will be excluded from the search engine forever. Sometimes it happens.
7) Dynamic interactive rubrics.
Create dynamically updated interactive headings on your site that would be attractive to visitors to your web project. For example, a forum, a chat, a blog, a free classifieds board, a site directory, and so on. Many of these features are available for free in the UCOZ website builder. The presence of such headings will surely attract visitors to your site who want to participate in updating them.
8) Competent relinking of internal pages of the site.
In short, the more pages on your site that link to a single page, the higher your search ranking for that page will be. For example, if 10 pages of our site link to our page “Izmail Multimedia Portal”, and 100 pages link to the “Site Directory” page, search engines will love our “Site Directory” page twice as much.
But on the other hand. If, for example, all pages of our site link to the “Catalog of Sites” page, then search robots will send it to ignore, suspecting active advertising of this page. So in this case it is important not to overdo it.
Often, webmasters use the so-called “breadcrumbs” or whatever they are.
- Registering with Google
- Registering in Yandex
- Sign up for Rambler
- Adding a site to APORT
- Adding a site to MSN
- Adding a site to GoGo
- Add site to Nigma
- Add a site to the Ukrainian service “META”
Some webmasters believe that it makes no sense to register in the search, since the Yandex search database is used there. I personally recommend registering there as well.
15) Register in the ratings.
Rambler rating
- rating
- UCOZ rating (for sites of this system) – registration through the control panel of your site
- liveinternet
A link to your site, located in the ranking, is an additional bonus and a good way to climb in the search engine.
16) Register in directories.
Registration in DMOZ (very good respected directory)
Add site to directory
17) Add the site to social bookmarks.
- Mr. Wong
- bookmark
- Rumarks
- Maiskup
- beaver
18) Write your own articles.
If you fill the site with your own articles, this will significantly increase search demand for it. Plus, you can apply a few more additional promotion methods to your site:
Organize an RSS feed and publish advertisements for your articles in RSS feed directories:
RSS reader
- You can also publish your article in article directories, and these are a few more backlinks to your resource.
19) Q&A services.
Recently, various question and answer services have gained immense popularity. With the help of these services, you can answer users’ questions, referring to your site along the way, after posting a detailed answer on it. Answer service examples: At Google answers answers
20) Use the services of mailing to free classifieds boards.
For example:
Board No
So, you have decided to make your site known and visited? Then always keep this “Helpful SEO Tips List” handy:
Before you start indexing a site, make sure it is complete and there are no “under construction” parts.
- After your site is completely ready and has a presentable appearance, add it manually to Google, Yandex, Rambler, Yahoo, MSN search engines. Don’t forget to add your sitemap to Google and Yandex.
- Get a site map in HTML format on your site – this will significantly improve the indexing of your site by search engines, as well as facilitate the search tasks of users.
- Try to fill your site with YOUR content, do not duplicate other resources, and when copying materials from other sites, RETELL the text in your own words.
- Do not create many pages on the site with the same content.
- Use keywords often, but in moderation.
- Try to use more text than images.
- Actively use title tags (up to 80 characters), description (up to 180 characters), keywords (up to 20 words).
- Check your site’s CSS and HTML for errors and broken links. Fix them.
- Try to keep the number of links to third-party resources on the page of your site does not exceed 100 pcs.
- Do not keep links to “bad” sites with a bad reputation (phishing sites, doorways, sites containing viruses, etc.) Also, do not engage in black promotion methods yourself. This will reflect badly on the reputation of your resource.
- Do not abuse the exchange of links with other resources. It is better that many refer to you, and you refer only to the pages of your own site.
- Check if all the pages of your site are accessible by links from other pages of your site, if the connection with them is not “cut off”.
- Do not buy or sell links. Search engines don’t like it.
+ I strongly recommend reading a book on the promotion and optimization of sites
“We are friends with search engines and analyze search queries”
You have created a site on a topic that interests you, filled it with interesting (again, in your opinion) material, and users still do not go and do not go. What is the reason? And the reason is demand.
The opinions of marketers may not coincide, but many of them agree on one thing – it is much easier to promote a product on the market if there is already a demand for it than to artificially form this demand. Simply put, before you offer something to people, you need to find out what they (that is, people) already need at the moment. Agree, it is stupid to offer the Izmail Online website to a person who wants to write a letter to the Cabinet.
We ask the search engines – how to promote your sites?
Search engines (“Google”, “Yandex”, “Yahoo”…) today offer webmasters a huge set of tools to control and optimize search queries. You can even peep what people are looking for in a search engine at one time or another. For example, Yandex came up with such a “peep” by region – every second you can see what people are looking for in Yandex.
Google has a similar feature.
If your site is located in the “UCOZ” system, this circumstance makes it much easier for you to monitor user requests to your site. In the “Control Panel” of the “UCOZ” system there is a “Statistics” function that allows you to analyze what users of your site are looking for (or would like to find).
Perhaps the most convenient tool for monitoring visits to your site today is Yandex Metrica. At the service of Yandex Metrica users is an automatically updated report on which pages of the site are visited most often, from which sites users went to your site, for what keywords, what was their path of “fermentation” through the pages of your site, what gender visitors and much, much more. You can install a Yandex Metrika counter here (
Learned? We use
Having found out what is in demand, we begin to fill our site with this demand. At the same time, do not forget to actively use meta tags.
<meta name=”description” content=”description words go here separated by commas”>
<meta name=”keywords” content=”comma separated keywords here”>
And also correctly form the titles of the pages <title>
Note: In 2009, one of Google’s leading programmers, Matt Cutts, announced that Google stopped taking into account keywords meta tags when indexing and ranking a site. Simply put, this tag is now useless for Google. Yandex has not yet introduced such a filter.
If you want the search robot to look at your site more often, write the following meta tag between <head></head>:
<meta name=”revisit-after” content=”1 days”>
This way, the search engine will know that it needs to visit your site every day.
If you want the search engine to skip certain content of your site and it remains invisible in the search, use the <nofollow>…</nofollow> tag – instead of ellipsis, write text that you would not want to be indexed by search engines.
We actively cooperate with Google
Google itself has several important tools to determine how your site is being indexed and who is linking to it. First of all, register your site in the Google Webmasters service (YANDEX has a similar service, I recommend registering there as well). These services offer you a fairly extensive set of tools, and everything is written in a fairly accessible language in Russian. Therefore, we will not dwell on the work of services here. I will only note that in working with the Google Webmasters and Yandex Webmaster services, we will need Sitemaps sitemaps, which we will discuss in detail in our other article.
SEO teams to communicate with Google
Here are the basic commands with which you can learn something from Google about your site. Open a regular search And write in the search bar.
link:site address – returns a list of pages that link to the given site. For example, the command will show sites that contain links to
site:site address – will show all the pages indexed by Google on this site. For example, the command will show all the pages of the site that Google has stored in its memory
info:site address – will show information about this site contained in the Google database.
cache: site address (or site page) – will show the last saved copy of the site in the Google database, even if this site has already been deleted.
inurl:site address (or keyword) – searches for addresses that include your site address or the keyword you are looking for
What should an SEO optimizer remember?
– Your task is to make sure that the search robot visits your site as often as possible. And he will do it the more often, the more often the content of your site is updated. If you post some news to your site or forum once or twice a day, then the search robot will literally live on your site, which means it will be better indexed and grow in the ranking.
– Use less Java Scripts – they not only reload the page, but also interfere with search queries. Simply put, search engines don’t like them.
– You will significantly speed up the indexing of the site by search engines by uploading sitemap files (sitemap) to search engines using the Google-Webmaster and Yandex-Webmaster tools.
– The more famous resources link to your site, the higher it will rise in the rankings. Therefore, try to get into well-known directories of sites. Such as for example DMOZ.
– Periodically check what is popular. Try to saturate the site with this content.

Part 2: “Order site promotion in FolkWeb”
You can study dozens and hundreds of manuals on SEO website promotion to get additional visits and sales, or you can simply order website promotion in FolkWeb.
Our experts will do all the SEO work for you - professionally, efficiently, quickly, affordable.